Woodworking Suction Valve, blast gate

Woodworking Suction Valve, blast gate


Had to connect my new planer to my vacuum system, so I made this valve. The dimensions of the pipe are outside 114 mm and inside 108,4 mm (markings on the pipe said 4" or 100mm !!!) You can resize it to any dimension with your slicer, but you need to you use the same percentage for all 3 prints. Beside the 3 prints you need also some other stuff. 1 (un)threaded rod 6mm 2 screws M3x25mm 2 bolts M6 2 washers M6. Steps to follow, 1. glue the switch block on the pipe. (ordinaire PVC glue will do fine) 2.Drill a 6mm hole via the switch block through the pipe. One side only. 3. The valve has 2 tine marking holes, drill them 3.2mm 4. Bend the rod 90o to the desired length and place one bolt. 5. Put the valve into the pipe and put the rod through the holes of the switch block, the pipe and the valve (use some marker on the end of the rod to mark where to drill the hole. 6. take everything apart and drill the opposite hole. 7. Insert the rod all the way trough and glue the end block. 8. Take the rod out and place the valve, the valve have to close the pipe and your lever has to be in the closed position (pointing left or right) 9. drill the two 3mm holes through the rod and place the 3M bolts and nuts. 10. Place the washer and the bold at the end block, not to tight. That's it for now. (sorry about the ugly filament color, but this was only the prototype) Like, Remakes, Comments and sponsoring are always welcome. Happy printing





