Arduino Learning Station

Arduino Learning Station


THIS IS STILL A BETA. There are a couple parts I would like to adjust to make this perfect. Mostly, the jumper wire holder part's magnets pull on any parts in the drawer below it. I am learning Arduino programming by following Paul McWhorter's Arduino lessons. I wanted something that keeps my Elegoo components more organized and easily accessible while I work my way through Paul's most excellent tutorials. I did a heavy remix of the Arduino breadboard holder by 4cpus4me. I added two drawers directly beneath the two breadboards for components, and a 3rd drawer below that for resistor organization. One of the drawers is designed to hold the REXQualis breadboard jumper wire kit off of Amazon. The other top drawer is made to hold many of the small Elegoo Arduino kit components. There is a large drawer behind the unit on the right that is large enough to hold the larger motor components. I designed the jumper wire holder to be a magnetic base that is easily removed from the Arduino Learning Station. The reason being is this is a 4 day print, and those jumper wire holders are easily broken. So instead of replacing the whole thing if you break some, you can just replace the jumper wire holder part alone. Behind the unit is a bracket for a buck boost converter if you desire to power the breadboard power supply using it. You could remix this in TinkerCAD to make it a 9v battery holder bracket instead. The drawers are held in place by 8x3mm magnets. The jumper wire holder part is held in place by 8x2mm magnets (I believe, you may need to measure this, I pulled them out of my grab bag of spare parts). 2.5mm screws hold the 16x2 LCD. 3mm screws and nuts hold the Arduino Mega.






