Guy Gardner's Green Lantern ring

Guy Gardner's Green Lantern ring


I noticed this unique take on a Green Lantern ring while reading Justice League Quarterly #5 (from the Bwa-ha-ha! JLI era). It belongs to Guy Gardner, but after he is incapacitated in one story, Ice (Tora) is able to use it for a while. Two sizes of the ring (sizes 11 and 12) are posted, with two versions of the logo for each (the only difference is sharp or rounded interior corners at the joint between the logo's bars and circle). The size 12 is a little thicker behind the logo (see images for comparison). All ring files use the same "GL ring lens.stl" piece. The comic art is unclear as to whether or not this area is domed, so it's optional as the ring will still look correct without it. An 11 mm self adhesive gem or cabochon can be used in place of the printed gem, but it will likely be too tall (for example: ) If you need sizes larger or smaller than 11/12, just scale your preferred ring file up or down, and don't forget to scale the gem by the same amount!






