RC Car Stand 1/10

RC Car Stand 1/10


You can use shock and diff holder to fill oil. Added 4 different drawer, check it from added thing image. Note: you can use obj file like as stl, your slicer can be open it, but if it can't; reinstall your slicer and choose the obj section! You need some extra material: ...15x140x3mm foam for the top ...7x150x7mm rubber for the bottom I attached it with standard instant glue. IMPORTANT!! Try the glue before applying to the foam, because foam can be melt. Use correct glue and foam type!! If your print bed calibrated, used same print setting, used correct foam and rubber; your drop gauge number start with 44mm You can paint thin areas with a toothpick. My print setting like that: nozzle 0.4 layer height 0.1 initial layer height 0.1 wall thickness 0.4 infill 100 support No build plate adhesion Brim







R/C Vehicles