CSS Virginia (ex USS Merrimack) vs USS Monitor (1862) 1/700

CSS Virginia (ex USS Merrimack) vs USS Monitor (1862) 1/700


There is no need to introduce the famous Hampton Roads duel of March 9, 1862. During what was the first clash between ironclad battleships, the Confederate ship CSS Virginia, hastily built from the wreck of the USS Merrimack, battled the Union USS Monitor, built from a revolutionary design from John Ericsson, including a fully rotating turret. The action ended up being a draw, after both ships, still fighting capable, withdrew from the bay. The carnage caused by the Virginia the day before nonetheless made the world's Navy to further validate the Battleship concept. Even if none of the two ironclads survived the year, both design would be copied and adapted for a whole new generation of warship. Due to the 1/700 scale, printing these ships proved extremely difficult form me, especially the tiny Monitor, prompt to breaking. To this day I did not succeed to have a flat Monitor correctly printed (it tend to ridiculously bend after UV treatment).






