3D Laser Scanner Project [In Progress]
### LibScan3D The idea of this project is to build a complex 3D Laser Scanner with good functionality. This Project will not be low-budget. It will have more components than the minimum. Therefor it will be tried to build a machine, that is a bit more than a little DIY project. The work is absolutely in Progress. The code is written in Python so far. <br> #### GitLab For further details on the project, visit the GitLab-Project: [LibScan3D on GitLab][gitlab] [gitlab]: https://gitlab.com/lib-open-source-design/libscan3d All the data of this project is Open-Source. So you will also find .step data on the GitLab-Project as well as the Code. You will also find there a basic list of needed tools and materials and a link to my instructables-project for assembling the acutal version of the scanner. <br> [Resulting Pointcloud on Youtube][yt] [yt]: https://youtu.be/6SR2PohqD2Y <br> #### Printing I printed with PLA. Infill was 20% for most of the parts. The clamps and the marker were printed with support. <br>