Nirmala MiniMap "What is this? A Dungeon for ants?" Promo 1
What is this? A Dungeon for ants? Kickstarter promo pieces. Nirmala is back on KickStarter with the larget collection of STL files for 3D printing it has ever released. But in a way it is also the smallest :) We decided it has to be three times as small. So it can be used for building mini maps and layouts. But you can still fit 28-32 mm minies on them. Some of you may recognise some of the scenery from the previous CaveRooms KickStarter. This is so you can build a large layout map and if you want you can use the larger rooms for when the action becomes intense (we therefore do a relaunch of CaveRooms for those that dont have them). These smaller hex based tiles are 60 mm key width compared to the 180 mm key with of the 28-32 mm scaled rooms. This are free promo pieces and there are hundreds of omre tiles avalible and allso normal 28-32 mm scale pices. Check them out! Nirmala Miniature Art produces stl files for 3D printing terrain and scenery for use with RPG like fantasy games like DnD, WFRP but also for SciFi games and game aids.