DIY Nerf-saber
I designed these different handles in TinkerCad to make some homemade nerf-style "lightsabers" for the kids to smack each other with. They are sized to accept common 1/2" PVC pipe through the handle. The endcaps should interchange between handles. The buttons should also interchange with any handle (except buttons v3 - that might only fit handle v3). After printing, superglue the button panel onto the handle. Button versions v2 & v3 accept hot-melt glue formed in the included button mold - make extras and cut to preferred size, then insert into the button holes. After printing, assembling, and painting your handle- Step 1: Buy pool noodles in the appropriate color from the dollar store, and cut it in half or whatever length you'd like. Step 2: Insert length of PVC through noodle, stopping just short (~0.5") of where it comes out the other opening Step 3: Slide handle onto PVC and determine length needed to accommodate endcap and handle Step 4: If the endcap doesn't sleeve inside of the handle, lightly sand both parts until it does. Glue endcap on and adjust noodle so it holds the handle without sliding around while you swing it. Step 5: Do your best Darth impression. Printing: Print Quality: I've done 0.2 in Cura and it looks alright Infil:15% seems to hold up okay. Supports: No, but you might need them for buttons (depending on orientation) Print the handles upright, endcaps with opening down, and buttons however you like.