Battlestar Galactica TOS Fixed and Upgraded Parts

Battlestar Galactica TOS Fixed and Upgraded Parts


Great source files for a great ship of the past. However, some of the parts had holes or gaps that negatively affected the print. I did what I could to fix those files so they print better. 1. BSG_TOS_Rear1_Fixed and BSG_TOS_Rear2_Fixed--These were the parts with the major problems. Most are fixed, however, on rear2 there was a part I couldn't fix outright. I fixed it a different way (#2 below). 2. Rear Deck Panel--On the right side of Rear2_Fixed (when looking at it from the back), the greeblies don't adhere well to the print. I couldn't fix that. After you print the part, those parts can be scraped off and Rear Deck Panel piece can be glued on in their place. 3. Galactica lettering--These are the labels that say "Galactica" for the sides of the launch tubes. They can be glued on after the launch tubes are printed. OR 4. LT_LEFT_FRONT Fixed w lettering and LT_RIGHT_FRONT Fixed w lettering-- These are the fronts of the altered launch tubed by DavidBogearts with the "Galactica" lettering already attached. 5. LT_LEFT_REARFixed--One of the launch tube inserts for the altered launch tubes didn't seem to fit. It's fixed with this part.






