Hooks for pavilion (Cello Verona)

Hooks for pavilion (Cello Verona)


After we mounted our pavilion, we wanted to set up light loops to make it a little more cozy, but the only thing that was available to attach were the hooks for mosquito nets and fabric walls that are pulled back and forth all the time. So I made these hooks to be able to hang things round the main beams. They are made for pavilion Cello Verona but fit beams that are 29 mm wide. I used PETG due to it will be outside and it have a little more flex than PLA. Guess it will work fine printed in PLA also. The design is 8 mm wide but have noticed that 6 mm also works so I added both. The weight is 2-3 grams. External dimension 46L x 8W(or 6) x 29H To cover all walls I estimate 24 for a 3mx3m pavilion and 30 for a 3mx4m. I used blue painters tape to secure it to the bed. Extra print settings Nozzle temp: 240 C Bed temp: 70 C Print speed: 120 mm Wall speed: 60 mm Retraction: 2.5 mm Retraction speed: 25 mm Walls: 1.2 mm Infill: 20% Grid Flow Initial layer: 110% Brim: No Skirt lines: 3



