HackRF Portapack H1 Sun Shade No. 2

HackRF Portapack H1 Sun Shade No. 2


Have you ever been annoyed by not seeing anything on your HackRF Portapack H1 display in bright sunlight? This telescopic sun shade solves the problem. It is designed as an improvement over my other "HackRF Portapack H1 Sun Shade No. 1" https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4907118 for those who prefer to mount the sun shade firmly on their Protapack H1. It fits tighly around the LCD and is held in place by two of the genuine Portapack screws. Try to keep the distance sleeves between HackRF and Portapack in place while the screws are out. If the friction between outer and inner shade is not right - either print the inner sun shade again with a smaler (if friction is too loose) or larger (if friction is too tight) "slack" value (see .scad file) - or (only if friction is too tigh) drill the two pivot holes in the outer shade to a slightly larger diameter (in steps of +0.1 mm). How to recompile the .stl files with a modified "slack" value: - Download and install OpenSCAD (openscad.exe) from openscad.org. - Launch OpenSCAD. - Open the enclosed .scad source file (File/Open) - Modify the value of the "slack" variable at the beginning of the file according to your assessments. - Export the result as a .stl file (Desing/Render, then File/Export/Export .stl). - Slice and print. After assembly and testing you may melt the ends of the pivotbolts to a mushroom contour (e.g. with a soldering iron) to keep them from slipping back though the pivot hole. The pivot bolts are of excess length for this purpose. See also my "HackRF Portapack H1 Loudspeaker" design https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4893985 I designed this sun shade No. 2 to also fit on top of the loudspeaker plate without obstructing the sound. This is my integrated loudspeaker design. It is an improvement over the above loudspeaker. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4975411 See also my "HackRF Portapack Antenna Stabilizer" https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4892365






