Switchplate Identifiers

Switchplate Identifiers


**NEWEST UPDATE** Added even more designs, including: Arrow Bed(s) Car Chair Dining Door Stairs Water droplet **UPDATE** Just added a new icon for a sink disposal... AND center aligned versions of the lightbulb and outlet icons so they are centered with the rest! Do you turn off the power to the TV plug when your just trying to turn on a light? Are you embarrassed when your guest go through the gauntlet of switches in the guest room to figure out which one will allow them to see? Are you tired of fumbling for the fan switch on a hot summer night only to blind your partner by hitting the wrong switch and almost ending your relationship? I have tried stickers and labels, but they always looked dumpy. I designed these little identifiers that use the existing screws on a switchplate for a simple, clean and fun solution. Low profile and easy to install. Should fit most standard switchplate screws. Print in any color you like! (as long as you have that color filament...) I can add more styles if people find a need for them. If you find these helpful and print yourself some, I always appreciate tips and shares of my design! Check out my YouTube channel for more content of things I have made: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClcXhXUQD8r3n7QZsWlaj4A






