Robosapien Internet of Things Backpack

Robosapien Internet of Things Backpack


# Prepare to be Amazed!!! Backpack to remotely control Robosapien (or other IR robots) over the internet. # Background During Covid my nephew, who lives across the state from me, was getting bored couped up at home with my sister. I would call and facetime and we would crack jokes to each other but couldn't really play together. I was thinking about how we could make it so we could remotely play and thought of those things in my house that could be remotely controlled. I had gotten the Robosapien as a gag gift years ago for Christmas and this project was born. # Remote Play Use Case The way my nephew and I would use this is as follows: * I would text my nephew the URL for the web remote. * Once he had the remote up on his phone I would Facetime/Zoom him and he would answer on his iPad/Laptop. * I would turn on the Robosapien and his IoT Backpack and let it connect to the Wifi and then to AWS. When the backpack glowed blue (LED in the ESP8266) I knew it was connected. * I would give the thumbs up to my nephew and turn my phone with Facetime or laptop with Zoom running on it so that he could see the robot. * My nephew would then begin to control the robot remotely and laughing would ensue. #Some Plans and Source Code Here #[Github Repo for IoT-Remote-Robot](






