Elvis "TCB" Faux Belt Buckle

Elvis "TCB" Faux Belt Buckle


This is a decorative faux belt buckle that can be used for an Elvis Presley costume, especially one that's "mashed up" with something else. Admittedly, Elvis himself never wore a buckle with quite this design. If it had existed in his day, though, he might have. Ideally, the facade should be done in shiny gold PLA (or ABS, if you prefer), and the stars in transparent TPU or cast in resin. The stars should fit snugly into the openings on the facade, though I still recommend gluing them in place. The belt clips (you'll want to print out two) are included separately, since their proper placement will depend somewhat on the width of the belt. Still, for those who don't trust the glue to hold and don't mind dealing with supports on printed objects, I've also included a version of the facade with the clips firmly attached. The package also includes a mold (TPU is recommended) for casting the stars in resin, and a single star to print out in case you lose one or two during the manual part of construction. There's even a complete buckle model for those with multiple extruders. As indicated above, I recommend gold for the main part of the facade (including the letters "TCB"), and clear transparent TPU for the stars, with a water-soluble filament for the support. If you can and want to do a fourth color, I recommend doing the clips in either black or a color matching the belt. Hopefully I've covered all my bases for everyone's enjoyment.






