Dungeon! Board Game Organizer
Designed this Organizer for Dungeon!, as game does not provide any way to organize pieces once opened. Print: 8X Card Organizers (6 levels, 2 mage card holders) 2X Loose Bit holders (1 for RIP tokens, 1 for Misc) 1X Dice Bin (only if doing V1) V1 Notes: V1 has shorter card holders, but does not allow the dice to be stored in the misc bin as they are too tall for the game board to lay flat on top. I filled in the extra space in the box with cardboard (6 layers for flush fit) and cut out a space for the dice bin to sit flush under the organizers. V2 Notes: (Disclaimer: I have not printed the V2 version) V2 only requires the card holders and miscellaneous bins. I increased the height of the parts to allow the dice to be stored in the misc bin.