Tuning Tool for tine based pianos such as Fender Rhodes

Tuning Tool for tine based pianos such as Fender Rhodes


I have designed tuning tool for use with my Fender Rhodes piano. This is also designed to clip onto the harp support bracket so the tool is always ready when needed. This could also be stored in the case lid. It has been designed to reach around the pickup for the high notes, and also between tonebars for the lower notes. Allowing one tool to tune the whole piano. If you work out how much it would cost to replace all the tines in your piano, then you soon realise that its worth looking after them the best you can. Using a metal tuning tool may risk scratching or marking the tine. Any small mark will have a significant effect on fatigue performance and will result in tines failure earlier. Using a softer material tuning tool reduces this risk. https://youtu.be/BG5_1bnxQC8






