CR-10S Pro V2 Hotend Fan Duct / Cover / Mount

CR-10S Pro V2 Hotend Fan Duct / Cover / Mount


I designed this to fit my CR-10S Pro V2 after having tried a couple of other designs that were available online and never being quite satisfied with them. I have swapped out the stock blower fan for a pair of 5015 blower fans (cheap from Amazon). I have also swapped out the stock 40mm cooling fan for a Noctua 40x20, which isn't required but the stock fan is only 40x10 so would leave a 10mm void in the front of the mount. I spent some time making sure that with this mounting I was able to keep the BLTouch in it's original position mounted directly to the backplate and close to the nozzle. Most other designs with dual cooling fans move the Touch over 50mm away from the nozzle which I found causes some trouble with levelling. The trade off for keeping the BLTouch where it is, has been that my cooling ducts are only positioned at 90deg from each other, rather than the 180deg common in other dual duct setups. So far I haven't found this has caused me any issues, and it is still an improvement from the stock single duct. When printing I found the best orientation was with the front side on the print bed so that the ducts are pointing upward. This does require some placement of supports to get the back of the mount supported. Do make sure not to place supports inside of the ducts, they don't need it and getting supports out of there would be a pain. If printing in PLA like I have, I would recommend making sure to keep the rubber sock in place on your heatblock to prevent the ends of the ducts from getting too hot and deforming over time. In my photos you will see I have also added a fan cover on the Noctua which is not included here as it was just one I had from a previous print, any 40mm fan cover would be fine. You may also notice that I have added a some of LED lighting to the underside of the mount, which is totally optional and I did mainly to balance out the voltages when adding the Noctua which runs at a lower voltage than the printer outputs. I spent a little time after printing sanding the print down and gave it a coat of spray paint just to make it smoother. Not a required process but make it's look a little nicer. __Edit 2021/09/24:__ I have reprinted this part using TPU rather than PLA as I was finding that high fan speeds on the 5015s could cause an bit of vibration in the hot-end which had some impact on the print quality. The TPU version helps to dampen the vibration in the blowers and has also lowered the noise of the fans when at full speed. If you do print this in PLA I would recommend keeping the fans at or below around 60% power. Even at a lower speed the larger fans are still an upgrade over stock.



