Dr!ft Sturmkind Dominator GTX from GTA V

Dr!ft Sturmkind Dominator GTX from GTA V


The Dominator GTX from GTA V. I Exported the model and worked a lot of hours on it. The V7 is the newest version which i didnt printed at the moment. The V6 Works, but the car is a bit to low... I dont have an Resin Printer to Print this in nice quality... ;( PRINT IT LIKE IN THE PICTURE IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE! Dont be irritated by the Headlights. They fit! But an FDM printer wont make it shiny... V10 I bought an Elegoo Mars Pro... Edited the body, it was 2 long... and edited the Front. Also added the Axle holder (Never Printed) Added Windows V11 Totally works! Drifts Perfect! V12 Same as V11 but 1mm lower I added an no Mounts Version, if you want to print it in an other scale for an other application than Dr!ft Current Plans: Print Window and Front/Rearlights Long Future. Print Diffusor. Maybe Modificational addons (spoilers etc)







R/C Vehicles