XYZ Da Vinci - Build Plate Fix

XYZ Da Vinci - Build Plate Fix


I own a couple XYZ Da Vinci's and they have always had table wiggle issues. I've seen lots of various improvement parts, but none that lock the floating table bearings. I tore down the printer this weekend and examined the best way to install parts without interfering with the existing framework. I designed everything in Solid Works. I had to make some adjustments to avoid hitting the upper and lower machine limits. I haven't gotten to print anything yet, but the printer runs up and down in Z and the table won't jiggle. It's hard to see, but the carriage bracket slips above and below the carriage. The step inside snugs up to the railing and the wiggle is gone. The top and bottom rod brackets were based off another printer's design that used a single block to link the rods. I figured it is much more stable. EDIT: 8/09/2021 WARNING: There is a potential pinch point between the carriage bracket and the bottom bracket. The table cable bundle got caught at the end of the first print when the table rolls to the bottom limit. I haven't had time to see if I just messed up the arrangement when I hooked everything back up. EDIT: 08/12/2021 The cable issue was my fault. I had them pulled the wrong way. Although I did notice the lower home position gives zero room between the carriage bracket and the base bracket. It's fine on my machine, but may make others nervous. I'll post a revised base bracket with a little clearance just in case.



