LED Matrix 16x16 - ESP8266 / Arduino - NeoPixel / WS2812b

LED Matrix 16x16 - ESP8266 / Arduino - NeoPixel / WS2812b


A NeoPixel / WS2812b controlled LED Matrix with 16x16 Pixels Easy to print: Can be printed without support, Filament Type doesn't really matter. I printed mine with PETG, but PLA or something else should work fine as well! I printed the Shader in a white and the rest in a light gray with a 0,6mm Nozzle. I also attached a shader in a 0,4mm Version (for 0,2mm Layer height). I used a premade LED Matrix, you can get them e.g. here: - https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000544411175.html or anywhere else :-) Building the Gadget together is quite easy: - solder an ESP8266 or ESP32 to the LED Matrix - add the "led matrix holder" between the Microcontroller and the Matrix - solder a DC Power Jack (5,5 * 2,1mm) to the ESP and the Matrix - add all printed Parts together You should end up with a 'stack' of (back to top) - Body - ESP - LED Matrix Holder - LED Matrix - Grid - Shader Get yourself some cool animations :)






