wasp bait bowl

wasp bait bowl


I designed this to attach to the yellow wasp traps from the hardware stores. What I do is leave the inner cone out. For my bait I mix up a half gallon of apple juice and half gallon of water and 4 teaspoons of boric acid. The mixture will last longer if it's kept in the fridge if you wanted to mix up a whole gallon. because it's diluted the honey bees aren't interested. wasps will come and take it back to their nests and feed it to the others, so it's an effective way to kill entire nests. I have heard it can help take care of nests in a 2 mile radius. the amount of boric acid doesn't have to be exact, but if you don't use enough then it takes a really long time to kill them, and if you use to much it kills the individual wasps to fast and they don't make it back to the nest, 4 teaspoons in a gallon has worked well for me. I printed it using PETG so it can handle being outside. I printed it using a wall line count of 5 and a skin overlap of 10% so I could keep my infill lower for the staircase part (they need a way to get back out of the trap), and I also filled them with water before hand to make sure they were sealed, but if needed could use something like plastidip or other sealer to water proof. I printed it at 100 mm/s print speed, hot end at 235 C, and no supports with great results and a perfect fit and minimal post processing. eventually I may design a top portion, but like using the store bought top because it's see through. I used green because that's what I had, but I would think yellow or black would attract more wasps it will hold about 18 oz or so, I usually add 16 oz. I've added a shorter one of v2 that only holds just over 8oz. I've added a v3, using the others I've noticed there are a lot of wasps staying inside the traps, which means they won't take the bait back to the nest, so I've made bigger holes in v3 to try to facilitate them getting out.



