Toys for boys-ships/access - seaway landing boom
Toys for boys. Old boys use computers, small boys need other toys This is also mean of access, this time from ship to shore. St.Lawrence Seaway Regulation 8 require each ship of more than 50m length to be equipped with at least one landing boom on each side. Seaway Handbook, Ch.6- Information on ship transit and equipment requirements p.20 presents typical landing boom. It is used to land crewmember on the shore, when ship has to wait at tie-up wall for clear the lock by other ship. Crew on lakers owned by Algoma Steel, Canadian Steamship Lines and other companies, operating exclusively on the Great Lakes and Seaway, is familiar with landing procedures, crew on salties (ocean going vessels visiting Great Lakes) knows, but is afraid. Few times I was the only one landed. By the way - I heard another meaning of CSL (Canadian Steamship Lines) from one of Seaway Pilots CSL = Can't Sleep Long, what shows exactly how work on lakers looks like. Enjoy! it is made in not published version 5 of Template Shapes_Text (CSV code compression). Code of design with compression to CSV consist of 30 lines. With standard OpenScad commands probably 3x more. template code will be included in next database release