Melzi to Trigorilla
Note: If you have trouble downloading this model, you can also find it here: These are the parts I used to install a Trigorilla board (from an Anycubic i3 Mega S) in to a Monoprice Maker Select V1 that originally comes with a Melzi board. It should also work on the V2, the Wanhao Duplicator i3, and the Cocoon Create, as I understand these are all the same printer. The motherboard bracket will likely even work with other printers that happen to use the Melzi board (but probably not the backplate or SDRamps bracket). This allowed me to run the latest version of Marlin and solve the thermal runaway issue inherent to the original firmware. The bracket is split in to two parts because as one piece it was too long to fit on my build plate. The two halves get attached together by attaching them to the included spacers using M3 screws. It actually wouldn't hurt for you to make some more spacers to glue on to other parts of the bracket to decrease the ability for it to flex when pushing down on the board. Finally, there is a custom backplate that will give you access to the USB port on the Trigorilla board. I had to rearrange the positioning of the fan and the plug/switch to make everything fit. Also, the area I've repositioned the fan to allows it to move air across the stepper drivers. Please look at my included "Conversion Info" text file for additional tips with this conversion. UPDATE Sep 18, 2021: I have now added support for an SDRamps card reader. For those who may have downloaded the earlier version without the card reader mount, you only need to print the SDRamps.stl and reprint the front half of the bracket. Wiring details for the SDRamps has been added to conversion.txt. All other files remain unchanged.