LED Strip Holder for Voron 2.4

LED Strip Holder for Voron 2.4


LED Strip Holder designed for VORON 2.4 LED Strip Holder (200mm).stl It's 210mm long and It's for a 20cm long LED strip. LED Strip Holder (250mm).stl It's 260mm long and It's for a 25cm long LED strip. LED Strip Holder (300mm).stl It's 310mm long and It's for a 30cm long LED strip (best fit VORON 2.4 - 300mm). LED Strip Holder (350mm).stl It's 360mm long and It's for a 35cm long LED strip. (best fit VORON 2.4 - 350mm). LED Strip Holder (400mm).stl It's 360mm long and It's for a 41cm long LED strip. Use with a regular 10mm LED strip. Cut the LED strip to length then stick it to this holder with 3M double-sided VHB tape. Mount to the top frame with 2pcs of M3x8mm and 2 pcs of M3 t-nut.



