Front Flipper - Holy Mod
This is a multi-part modification. The main one is the use of a screwed-in servo retainer. This vastly reduces layer splitting from the servo and allows the servo to be installed with just screws and blue tac. With just this modification and Lego wheels, it is likely at the maximum weight or 2 grams over. The 1mm thick top plate cuts about 2 grams. There is also a DXF if you want to get them cut. The wider wedge should work better. It weighs about 50% more. The width should make it easier to push other bots and provides a wider surface to reduce the chance of a horizontal catching the edge. The downside is that the wedge is more likely to be ripped off by a horizontal. The new flipper arm cuts about 5 grams. It won't provide as good of protection from overhead saws. The weight savings should allow adding a self-righting stick to be added. I haven't figured that part out yet. The mounting point has been beefed up a little as I had a layer splitting issue. The inside parts have been cut away in areas and beefed up in others to increase the non-binding movement range. I am getting minor interference between the wedge and flipper, but it looks sandable. Use M3 x 12 button head screws for the flipper pivots. Use #3 plastite screws for the top, power switch, and servo retainer. The wheels are the biggest pain with this thing. The bore wears out after a few insertions. I recommend using nylon and supergluing the wheel to the motor. I really need to buy some of those slot car wheels.