1/144 MS-08TX/S Efreet Schneid (UC version) REMIX

1/144 MS-08TX/S Efreet Schneid (UC version) REMIX


An update to the original design by Voxdel Works (karlin). Parts have been separated into 'runners' by color, oriented for the best printing, and duplicated to the number of each piece required. I have made several modifications: -Sword blades have an additional piece for color separation. Additional set of 'cool' grey blades. -Waist hoses are now 3 pieces for color separation. -There are 3 sets of parts for the Kunai. There is a 1 piece set, handles, 'heated' orange blades, and 'cool' grey blades. -Mono-eye is now two pieces, to accommodate printing of the lens in clear filament. I have also included the 360mm Giant Bazooka, trimmed to fit the Efreet hands. Print with supports. Some runners will need more than others. TO SCALE: 1/144 TO 1/100 (144%) 1/144 TO 1/60 (240%) Instructions coming sometime later.







Model Robots