Halloween Tree Stump LED Candle
Just in time for Halloween, I made this 3D-printed Halloween tree stump LED candle holder. Designed to be easy to print, and it creates a unique Halloween decoration, that is not quite like the traditional Jack-O-Lanterns. The tree stump perfectly fits an LED candle, which gives out a small, however spooky, light. I made an Instructable on how I designed it, and how you can make it. Feel free to check it out: https://www.instructables.com/3D-Printed-Halloween-Tree-Stump-LED-Candle-Holder/ I hope you like this design, and if you do, I would very much appreciate it if you wised me best of luck in the <a class="else" href="https://www.instructables.com/contest/halloween21/" target="_blank">Halloween-contest</a> on Instructables. Also feel free to follow me on <a class="else" href="https://www.instagram.com/anders644pi/" target="_blank">Instagram</a> and <a class="else" href="https://twitter.com/Anders644PI" target="_blank">Twitter</a> (@Anders644PI) to keep you updated with what I make.