Blue Temporary Door Knob

Blue Temporary Door Knob


This is just a 3D model, might not be accurate enough for printing. This little blue thing is used in door shops for the transportation of Exterior ThermaTru doors. The Lock Body is placed in the knob hole, with the cylinder goes through the door's latch hole. The thinner parts on the opposite end of the Lock Body should lock around the door slab, holding the Lock Body in place. Next, the Twist Latch is placed through the door's latch hole so that it slides around the little knobs on the Lock Body, then it is twisted to lock in place. If you are constructing a door, you can close the jamb frame now. After this, you simply insert the Screw through the routed hole in the jamb frame, completely locking the heavy exterior door to the jamb, making one solid unit that can be (relatively) easily transported. Haha so this was just a big modeling exercise for me, I don't even think this can be printed, and the threads might not even line up. But it was fun:)






