Disc detainer lock pick

Disc detainer lock pick


So... My take on 3D printed disc detainer picks. The idea came to mind after watching LockNoob's video on zbzzn's 3D printed disc detainer picks - the last one is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4095148 The design is pretty similar to his pick and in fact is also based on the amazing Silver Bullet by Matt Smith, aka HuxleyPig, whose professional-grade tool you can find here: https://silverbullet.tools/ My version requires some components for assembly: - 2 M4 grub screws - 2 M4 nuts - 6mm by 2mm plastic injector pin from Aliexpress - Stainless steell capilary tube with inner diameter of 2mm. I recommend at least 5mm outer diameter, although tubes with such outer diameter are hard to find on the site mentioned above (if you want them to work without some pre-processing with sandpaper). My version uses 4mm OD tube, but I intend to swap it for 6mm version - 2 3D printed parts - tensioner and manipulator That's pretty much it. The files are pretty intuitive to print, although the manipulator requires you to insert a nut during printing, as i wanted it to look as clean as possible. Assembly requires some metalworking with a file and a dremel tool for metal parts to take shape. # Post-printing ### Tube Cut it to correct length (80 mm in my configuration, yours may be different), file two flat spots on the end that will be tensioning the lock some 2mm in height. Grind a flat spot that will be held by a grub screw in the tensioner, Pretty much it, apart from chamfering all the edges. ### Pick tip Fist you should form the pick tip from the injector pin. I used a dremel tool with filing as post-processing. My configuration mimics zbzzn's (5.5mm x 2mm x 0.75mm) and seem to work nicely. Then cut it to the correct length (135mm for me, may be different for you) and file a flat spot in the end, that will be held by a grub screw in the manipulator. All that's left to do is assemble the thing, with is pretty mush intuitive: assemble the tensioner, insert the pick tip into the tube, insert 3D printed manipulator onn the other end, tighten two grub screws - done. # Modifications Throughout the assembly procedure I said that your configuration may be different - that refers to the fact that Fusion 360 model that is included in the files has lots of user parameters that you can tweak on the fly (manipulator dimensions, tensioner dimensions, tube diameter, etc.). You can modify these parameters to suit you, so feel free to try new configurations. Unfortunately step file is devoid of that, but it is what it is. *Full disclaimer:* parameter naming is quite messy, but i am sure you can figure them out. Groups in part creation may help you understand which parameter refers to which dimension. One more thing: this tool has marking for decoding locks (every 18 degrees on the tensioner) and for more accurate pick placement (spaced 1.6mm and 2mm apart). Have fun!






