120mm Fan Apenture/Iris Cover

120mm Fan Apenture/Iris Cover


Designed it for use in my 3d-printer enclosure to control temp/airflow but could be used for any kind of enclosure. Materials: 5xm3 screws for Blades/Ring 5 wide washers for holding Ring. 4xM4 screws for attaching the whole thing to wall. Use the length you prefer for your use. I used 70mm ones. 2x 2x10mm screws for sg90 mounting (optional if wanted a secure attachment to base) 1x sg90 with continuous/360 rotation. you can use a basic 180 degree sg90 with a continuous modification i believe. Just search for it on youtube and you will find some tutorial videos. Printing: Print with fan side down for nice finish outwards. Or with blade side for less support and filament usage. Full print came to about 12hours of print and 140g in filament. Preview: https://youtu.be/MK5gtL9CC0Q



