Sovol SV-03 Gantry Support Rods
Long Story: I ordered my SV03 and immediately started searching FB and web for ideas on setting up the printer. Came across a couple of mentions about strengthening the gantry cross bar (because it was so high). Thought to myself that is a cool idea so I started searching Thingiverse and Yeggi. Found a couple of interesting designs for the SV01 but nothing for the SV03. The most intriguing one I found was the "Sovol SV01 12mm Carbon Fiber Support Rod" (thing: 4182718). So, I got busy ordering the bits I would need and started printing. Once my printer arrived, I completed the mod for the Raspberry Pi/Control Panel mount and started working on the Gantry Support. I realized right away that the original part would not work in it's current state, the bed would hit it when it moved all the way back. Me being me, I decided that the bed must move it's full printing width (why else would I have purchased a printer capable of 350x350x400mm?) so I needed to modify the base mount. I looked at the way the top mount would fit and decided to move the bottom mount to the side of the printer (still all the way at the back). That means I had to rotated the place where the rod was held by 90 degrees. So, after many hours of redesigning, I was printing again. I also realized that the aluminum rods I bought were 1mm too wide and I needed to make an adjustment for the new rod width. Then I realized that if I used the top brackets like they were designed, the blue (teal) bracket on the Z axis would hit the support, so I extended it out to correct the issue. I also created a cap for the top open end of the rod (just to make it look pretty). I have posted the end results. Short story: I rotated the part that holds the rods on the bottom bracket 90 degrees and moved the bracket to the side of the printer. I also extended the top bracket to allow full Z movement without worrying about the blue bracket on the Z axis hitting the support pole. I also created a cap for the top bracket where the open end of the rods are. Shout out to MadHatter3D for his outstanding design and I hope to have done it some justice. The aluminum rods I used were purchased from Lowes and are 1/2" x 3 ft. I cut them down to 595mm length.