5cm² Filament Sample

5cm² Filament Sample


This is a smaller swatch that has all of the same features of the larger one. Like the larger one, I've made a Google spreadsheet for printing labels. The font size of the top row probably should be smaller to handle more text (as seen in the image). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A-prDilVqKBcgCVxIsQ1e3lt9IMeAu7oT7kKfTyINxw/edit?usp=sharing My Sketchup file is included for those would would like to take their hand at altering this. Bridge test: 5mm increments, from 5-20mm, Open bottom to make examining the under side easier. Overhangs test: 30°, 60°, 45° Smooth Slope test Triangles for a Small details test Thin walls and gaps: 0.1 - 0.8mm Wall Thickness: 0.5mm steps, from 0.5-2.5mm Transparency test: 0.2mm steps, from nothing to 2.0mm (The outside boarder is 3.0mm) Hole size test: 1mm steps, from 1-4mm Half sphere M3 Hex nut Fibonacci curve for a smooth curve test, starting at 1mm (on back) Elephant's foot test: Outside half hexagon connecitons The half sphere isn't hollow, hopefully allowing it to complete more often. I've still seen it fail, but that is imo a good thing to see when choosing a filament, and having an idea of what might not work. On the small details test, fairly often the smallest triangles don't even get sliced. They are intentionally at a unexpected to obtain detail level (with current technology).



