Direct Drive Remix of Topsies NEMA 23 CNC Router X Axis Assembly
Update 8/27/21 Uploaded Complete file sets to make sure all recent changes are captured. If you downloaded before 8/27 I would update your files. Most of the changes since the original upload are in the spindle mount and the dust collector. Update 8/19/21 Added zip file containing the assembly parts as step files This is a remix of Topsies CNC Router X Axis Carriage for the more depth version. Fusion files were created copying Topsies mesh files so they may not be an exact copy. I would not mix parts from the two versions. Use one or the other. This is also a Z Axis Direct Drive version, no pulleys, gears, or belts required. I have printed all these parts and they do work as designed. I have included the Fusion files. They are all in the one file as an assembly and are created as separate components in the file so they can be easily separated and modified as needed. You can download the files individually or just download the Zip files to get them all at one time.