LED Lamp 8mm & 16mm led strips

LED Lamp 8mm & 16mm led strips


update: have both printed out an everything fits together good except the top that press fits onto the light diffuser i had to run a little knife around the edge to help get it started an after that the press fit is really tight so u dont have to worry about the top come off as for the defuser sitting on the base. its not as tight as id like but u can glue it in place if ud like cause u can still remove the led tower through the top after removing the bolts that hold it down. i planned on either gluing it in place or finding some kinda tape to line the inside of the base so the fit is tighter. seen these led lamps pop up all the time an instead of downloading one an printing it i decide it might help my 3d modeling skills to play around an try to make my own just to try to learn more but after getting started it was actually easier than i expect compared to other stuff ive tried in the past, im printing the 100mm one out right now an i have to reprint the defuser for the 70mm cause it failed do to electric blinking an resume print doesn't work on my ender 5 due to the bed dropping when the stepper motors loosing power so it looses its place an ends up printing in mid air so ive learned not to even try resume print with that printer but everything seems to fit together pretty easy, i tried to make the fit just snug enough that it doesn't require being glued together. also my intention for the little rings on the top an bottom was to put a power led to light up one up an the other was just a mode ring but after putting it together i realize the mode ring would be pointless but decided to leave it cause it may add to the look. will update with finished photos hopefully later tonight. also the 100mm should work with any led controller from amazon with it inside the base the 70mm i cant say the same for but if ur controller does fit i put a few holes in the base for the ir sensors for controllers or one at the back for the controllers that dont fit so the wiring can be ran inside if need be. this was just my first round with these so i'll more than likely update with newer version to deal with cleaning everything up if it needs more.







