Wall Mount for Wall Mount Spool Holder

Wall Mount for Wall Mount Spool Holder


After years of agonizing, I finally went "all in" and spent a few dollars and a few grams to make some spool holders. With a couple dual material printers and one 5 material printer.... Things were getting out of hand. After printing out 10 sets of Loco's Wall-mount spool holders, I thought I would make my own wall mount block - I used bolts instead of threaded rod/nuts, and wanted to eliminate the lock nuts altogether. Finally, since I need to mount multiple spools near each other, I made a 210 mm guide (with weighted bottom) since I end up needing to install a bunch of sheetrock anchors. NOTE: I was using Ikea bolts to mount to the wall, so the holes are a little tight for #8 hardware. There's now an "ISO" version which has those holes a little looser for larger hardware, without effecting the snug fit of the main bolt.



