Narrow Gauge Station 16mm

Narrow Gauge Station 16mm


<b>NARROW GAUGE STATION (16mm EXPERIMENTAL)</b> <b>READ THIS!</b> This design is an upscale of the OO/HO station I designed several months previous. I was asked by a THINGIVERSE member if I could upscale to 16mm. This is my sincere attempt and I really believe it'll be a disaster! Nevertheless, here are the files. <b> HERE IS THE LINK TO MY OO/HO VERSION WHICH PRINTS OKAY</b> Basically, I have split the design into many parts to print separately. I have not attempted a print and I will not take any responsibility for disasters or wasted filament. If it prints well and turns out GREAT, then I'm very happy to take all the credit. Please post any successful makes and feel free to make all sorts of positive or encouraging comments. If it's a disaster, please politely let me know, I'll delete the whole thing and pretend it never happened. I have retained the original files, so minor tweaks may be possible although, right now, I'm losing grip on reality. There is an extra section of platform which I’m willing to upscale if the main print turns out to be successful.



