Aqara Switch in Gira System55
Target of the design was to integrate Wireless Switches from Aqara (WXKG11LM) into my current installed Gira System55. I wanted to have everything selfmade completely invisible and only gira original parts visible - means fully integrated. So I will use this either in a multi-switch frame to add a "smart switch" to a traditional switch. Or I will ust is standalone with one single frame to put it anywhere regardless of cabeling. I currently switch Shelly-Devices with it - but this is obviously full flexible and depending on the smart-home setup. The print is one-part only. The board needs to be removed from the Aqara-Switch. I simply taped the battery in place. Probably I will find a better solution in future versions. The original switch-cover has a middle "pin" which needs the be removed with a knife or other tool. It really works brilliant and looks perfect aligned to the current installation.