ESP8266 Relay Holder

ESP8266 Relay Holder


Disclaimer: Use at own risk: AC voltage is dangerous and you need to add more safety to your build. Little Relay holder for the lctech ESP relay. As there are no mounting holes, it has to be clamped in order to protect the life wire/pins that are under the board. I would highly recommend to put it in an enclosure, this holder makes it a little bit more save if you are planning to run 110/220v over the relay, but still, it's not as safe as it should be to be used outside of prototype/lab conditions. In addition to the isolation, you might also need to add a cable strain relief to make it safe to use. I will epoxy mine to it, and then add it to a DIN Rail clamp in order to mount it permanently. Print it like in the picture to ensure that it does not de laminate and help to act like a spring.





