BioRad Mini-PROTEAN Wing Clamp Repair

BioRad Mini-PROTEAN Wing Clamp Repair


I designed this add-on part to make broken Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN wing clamps usable again. They must be shaped such that as you close the wing clamps, it raises the glass plates slightly like the original wing clamp did before it broke. Printing: Use 100% infill so the part doesn't absorb solution during use. 0.2mm layer height. The print comes in 3 STL files so you can customize depending on which parts of your clamp are broken. If both sides of the clamp are broken, use all three files (In Prusa Slicer, just drag all 3 files at once and it will prompt you whether this is one part. Say yes). Otherwise, use the parts you need (common + wide or common + narrow, see image) Assembly: WITHOUT glass plates installed, set the wings in the closed position and slide the 3d part on from the bottom. The bottom of the wing part must be fully seated in the channel of the 3d part or the pin to hold it together won't slide through. The last millimeter or so will 'snap' into place. To hold it all in place, insert a 4mm pin (or tubing) through the center hole. I used PTFE tubing (4mm OD, 2mm ID) purchased online and very carefully trimmed it to 36mm with a razor blade. See link below. PTFE Tubing:



