Ender 3 Led Light + Filament Guide + Tool Holder

Ender 3 Led Light + Filament Guide + Tool Holder


Even with great projects and alternatives for lighting my Ender 3 V2 table I chose to create my own alternative. ## _>>> THIS PROJECT IS OPEN FOR COLLABORATIVE IMPROVEMENTS <<<_ #### Current Available Pieces: This is the current set of pieces but I am still thinking of some other possible cool integrations, so stay tuned. ## Corners Types: + Clean Corner + Filament Guide Support + Tool Holder ## Center Types: + Half Size With Creality Brand Center Aligned + Half Size With Creality Brand Right Aligned + Half Size Clean + Quarter Size Clean ## Extra Types: + Filament Guide (Can be attached to Filament Guide Support) ### Recent updates: + 2021/10/19: Finished the first version of the LED lighting system (check the pictures and video). + 2021/09/23: Tool holder corner + 2021/08/24: Three new pieces: Clean corner, Coupling corner, Filament guide ### Octoprint Integration: I choose to go with a 24v LED strip in white color and for wiring the LED system I choose to connect directly to the printer power supply, the Creality printers normally have extra outputs in 24v. Also, in order to control the light whenever I want I have connected a [MOSFET](https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/33019559942.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5efa504djt8GI8&algo_pvid=b87b87dc-949b-4db3-a217-f2573ef94ada&algo_exp_id=b87b87dc-949b-4db3-a217-f2573ef94ada-35&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2267169102691%22%7D) module, that way I can control the light state on/off through the GPIO of my Raspberry Pi wich is running [Octoprint](https://octoprint.org/download/) with the [Octo Light](https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/octolight/) plugin installed. _Unfortunately, I got very excited when working on this update and ended on forgetting to take pictures_



