Mosquito/ Dragon/ LGX / BMGM/ EVA direct mount (no flex)

Mosquito/ Dragon/ LGX / BMGM/ EVA direct mount (no flex)


I did this mod to try to improve the connection between EVA, Mosquito and LGX, I think the original link flex a bit in some escenarios so I am testing if this way brings me more stiffness. Both LGX versions use a 33.5mm PTFE tube. I countersunk the top hole of the PTFE tube to avoid any filament issue Mosquito-LGX-ADX-EVA-v5.stl: - It use the official Mosquito fan with an optional mount for EVA fan as well (Mosq-EVA-Fan-v4.stl). - Includes ADXL345 mount Dragon-LGX-ADX-EVA-v1.stl: - Includes ADXL345 mount Mosquito-LGX-ADX-EVA-v5.1.stl: - Includes both ADXL345 mount (standard and wide) Dragon-LGX-ADX-EVA-v1.1.stl: - Includes both ADXL345 mount (standard and wide) BMGM mounts are still on testing!!! WIP. Any feedback is more than welcome ;-). Mosquito-BMGM-EVA-v1.1.stl Dragon-BMGM-EVA-v1.1.stl * Remember to recalibrate Z height after installation. ** it uses all the same mounting bolts and nuts. *** Printed "face-down" without any support.



