Safe Door Latch Bracket (Customizable)

Safe Door Latch Bracket (Customizable)


A friend of mine got a broken safe for free. It would have been dumped otherwise. Hooray for 3D printing for reducing the amount of trash and fixing something old. I currently have no information on the safes model type, vendor or series and simply modelled the part using the provided broken part (see images) as reference. The print worked and the door mechanism got fixed, resulting in a working safe. I will receive additional images showing the disassembled door part and the process of fixing it, but since this is not my safe and I have no access to it, this has to wait until I receive them. If you found this, because your safe is broken and your broken part looks like this, it will work. Make sure your printer is calibrated and it will fit into the safe. This plastic part is not used in the locking mechanism! It is used in the latch mechanism keeping the unlocked door shut until the door handle if used. Like the common spring loaded part in normal room doors. If the part breaks the door cannot be opened using the handle, so the safe is even more secure in this situation and not opening by itself. As you can see I printed the part like a motor bike driving on the back wheel though a curve. Since I wasn't provided with any additional information, I needed to ensure the layer weakness wasn't in the wrong direction. Printing the model vertically would probably have provided a less stable result. The only hint was the broken area, which got enforced in this print orientation. So far it worked. I printed the part in ABS to provide a maximum flexibility as the original part seems to be moulded from a hardened type of nylon. As always I included the FreeCAD source file, so you can easily adapt the model if needed. I will update the pictures as soon as I get them. The part works and the safe is now in use.



