New Small Wheel from the ATLAS experiment at CERN

New Small Wheel from the ATLAS experiment at CERN


Do you love science, do you love CERN, have you ever wanted your very own part of the ATLAS experiment to call your very own, a Muon Spectrometer you can print, build and awkwardly place on your desk? One you can call your very own. Well you're in luck! With the upgrade of the LHC to HiLumi comes shiny new muon detectors, and one of the guys that designed it has opened up all of the old models, shrunk them down, and made them printable on a 220x220mm table! The New Small Wheel is a 10mx10m, 100 ton Muon detector that was installed into the ATLAS Experiment in 2021. Did I say small? Oh yes he did, the experiment itself is capped on each end by two 26m Big Wheels, 45m apart. These Small Wheels however, will fit right into the centre portion of the experiment inside the toroid structure, and right into your heart! The components here will give you everything you need to print your very own New Small Wheel at home! You'll need to print: 4x Airpad 1x Aplate 1x Ext Sheild 1x Int Sheild 1x Flux Ring 1x Foot R 1x Foot 2x Front 1x Hub 1x HubEXT 1x JD INT 1x JD EXT 8x LS 8x LSpoke EXT 8x LSpoke INT 8x LSpoke LID 8x LSTGC 1x Rails 4x Rubber 8x SS 8x SSTGC 6x SSpoke 1x SSpoke Foot 1x SSpoke Foot R 8x SSJD (PrintableNSWComplet is a reference 3d file and is not to be printed) The colours are completely up to you, but the picture above can give you an idea of the colours in real life. Glue is only required to affix the sTGC parts to the LS and SS parts, the rest should all fit together nicely depending on your printer settings.... but don't be afraid to get in there with the glue, we weren't! Find out more about ATLAS at CERN and the New Small Wheel at: (This is not an officially licensed CERN product or design, and anything here is an expression of the author and not the organisation. This print cannot actually detect muons, and any injury caused by trying to print a life size version as some attempt at a hobby LHC is your own responsibility, however such an endeavour would greatly please the author. Please science responsibly)



