Tobi-P - the rabbit robot
Here are all the 3D printable parts and details for the little bunny companion. #### Inner Structure I have printed the invisible pieces in PETG orange, with a 0.20mm resolution and 15% infill. The 3 "Base" parts are printed with 3 perimeters and a honeycomb infill pattern for robustness. This worked out very well, it might not even be needed at all. The 3 "Power" parts are responsible for holding tight the power bank (300g), so they must hold as well. A standard 2 perimeters + gyroid infill pattern worked fine. The remaining "Raspi" and "Servo" parts have almost no load to carry, so the settings can certainly be relaxed here. #### External Case I have also used PETG (white) here because I wanted the edges of the cube to be rigid enough. I can imagine that everything in PLA would not be a problem though. It may even help for the smooth finish of certain parts. The flat surfaces (face, panels) are printed at 0.2, with at least 15% infill (gyroid). Otherwise they appear too transparent. Maybe an additional perimeter helps? The Front/Back/Bottom/TopFrame are printed at 0.15, with variable (adaptive) layer height turned on for optimal results. The same for the muzzle and feet. The BackPanel and BackDoor are actually a single print-in-place. Be sure to position them correctly on the build plate of your slicer software. I have also added tiny supports for the hinges. #### Important Notes The snap-fits on the BackPanel are bad! They should not have been made to print along the Z-axis... You should know what you are doing when printing the BackPanel + BackFrame untouched. Better would be to rework those joints first. The SidePanels are quite cumbersome to fit. There is room for improvement there as well. I have marked some of the files with "NOTmanifold", as I could not always export perfect manifold objects from Blender. This was not a problem for PrusaSlicer (2.3), which fixed them successfully.