Ender 3 Inlay (Take what you know and improve it everyday) Update Via Michael Stephens

Ender 3 Inlay (Take what you know and improve it everyday) Update Via Michael Stephens


After my significant other saw the original file, she said, "Cool, is there a Lord Of The Rings one?" ( https://www.jenshansen.com/pages/online-english-to-elvish-engraving-translator )and Typed in, " Take what you know and improve it everyday. Which gave me the phrase in elvish. i copied that into mesh mixer and did some plane cutting. Made it solid, and then cut one of the side bars off the Taj Mahal file, cleaned it up, duplicated it, spaced it correctly and then put the elvish in the middle. May I say a huge thank you to Antonio Garcia. With out your original idea this would not have been possible. Thank you. Printing: I've added an STL of the same file. If you have problems please look at my suggested print method. Its a small piece and it is designed so that it prints the opposite way as the original files did. Small angle toward the build plate so that the letters face out. Print on a very small raft, Allow 100% infill or make the line wall count 4=1.8mm.



