Curtains Opener
# Curtains Opener The stepper motor mount, idler mount, and electronics enclosure for my automatic curtains opener device. The code and schematics can be found here: *Note: the mounts are measure to my specific curtains setup. Not a plug and play solution, definitely more DIY as you'll need to assemble and size pieces according to your window dimensions. I'd recommend using this as a launching off point for your own device.* # Installation * Solder the electronics and put the system together in the mounts or enclosures. * I installed the controller, motor, and idler mounts using screws or 3M tape as needed, making sure to space them according to my window. * I cut the timing belt to the appropriate length to loop once across the sides of my window. * I used safety pins to attach one curtain to the top of the timing belt loop, and the other curtain to the bottom timing belt loop.