The Mysterious Cities of Gold - Medallion

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - Medallion


First layer at 205°, others 200° Bed at 60° for the First Layer and 55° for the others. Put a 3 or 5 millimetter of Brim on object to avoid warpping of the extremity of the Arc. I'am with a Direct drive. As for all you print, it's important to correctly set your Axis XYZ and calibrate your extruder with your used Filament. Due to the fine detail, check your flow to have the best result. I'didn't try but perhaps the printing in ABS could be a good solution to have the possibilty of post printing cleanning with Aceton. Even in PLA i'd print them with a Brim, especialy for the Medail_Support up and down because the extremity of the Arc warpped.



