Thin Snap-Fit Dessicant Box
I made this snapfit dessicant box for my experimental filament storage cooler, no more hunting loose dessicant packets that get under the spools. There are two files with a print-in-place hinge. Ideally print the regular one if your printer is large enough, but otherwise print the one with the base standing at 90d, it will require supports. Or modify it to fit your needs, the .blend file is also included. Why did I make this? Moisture is a huge issue when it comes to getting clean 3D prints, this is very noticable with PETG/TPU/ETC, but PLA is also affected. Even fresh new spools taken out of the package have often been left sitting around on warehouse shelves and can arrive with enough moisture absorbed to cause bubbles and pressure variations. I have a filament dryer for this purpose, however my colour-changing dessicant packets indicate that they are saturated after only a few weeks in the ziplock style bags that ship with my spools. Therefore I find myself constantly organizing many bags and re-drying filaments and dessicant packets, it's a pain. Solutions: Foil Bags - Foil bags can resist humidity much longer than normal bags, but the resealable strip does eventually let moisture in. I currently have about 7 of them and they are pretty tight so getting spools in and out is not optimal, though it is still a good storage solution. Just triple check your seals. They usually cost avg around $3 each here after shipping. I use mine to store my PETG and TPU (occasionally used) as they can go a long time without replacing the dessicant. Spool boxes - These are perfect for dry-storing filaments, and are made of a moisture resistant plastic with a good lid seal. However, filament boxes can cost upwards of $20 CDN and are not very affordable. Additionally, most sadly only store a single spool, so you can't just buy a large sealed container and store multiple spools. I do highly recommend then for any Nylon spools you may have as it's extremely hydroscopic, but for storing 20 KG of PLA, not so much... Beach Cooler - Currently experimenting with this. In it's normal state it seems to work about as well as ziplocks, taking a few weeks before the packets turn green, but it can store several spools at once without having to deal with bags. I am currently experimenting with clear silicone sealant around the rim to see if it improves the airtightness. We'll see in a month I suppose.