Soldering helping hand no printing needed

Soldering helping hand no printing needed


A simple thing to hold two wires whilst I solder them. Just clothespegs, popsicle sticks and superglue. Since there's no printing, the dummy.scad file contains just a comment. Forget it. If you really need to 3d print something, search Thigiverse for other helping-hands. There a quite a few. Construction: Glue one leg of the pegs to a stick and then the second stick to the first as shown in photo. Just make sure the pegs are spaced widely enough to get a soldering iron in, but not so wide that the wires flop about. I also found it useful to trim the ends of the pegs down to a wedge shape as they originally had sticky-outy bits that sometimes got in the way. I also left the two popsicle sticks sticking out so that I could hold the jig in different orientations in a vice. Was so helpful it almost made up for the frown I got when wife discovered me nicking clothespegs to make it....







