Kyosho Lamborghini Miura Concept Display Base
###If you like my display designs, feel free to follow me on twitter and instagram! Feel free to comment and provide any feedback too! ###[Twitter]( ###[Instagram]( Description ==================== A base for Kyosho Lamborghini Miura Concept, it should work with all Kyosho Lamborghini Miura Concept releases. The display base is separated into 3 parts for easy printing and colour swap. The parts are: 1) Name plate (NamePlateAssem.STL) 2) Base (BaseV2.STL) 3) Base back wall (BoxBackAssemV2.STL) Print Settings ==================== Nozzle size = 0.4 mm (minimum, smaller better) Layer height = 0.2 mm Filament change layer for colours on "BaseV2": 1) Start (Bottom stripe, mine is in red) 2) Layer 6 (Middle stripe, mine is in white) 3) Layer 11 (Top stripe, mine is in red) 4) Layer 16 (Overall base colour, mine is in white) Filament change layer for colours on "BoxBackAssemV2": 1) Start (Bottom stripe, mine is in red) 2) Layer 4 (Top stripe colour, mine is in green) 3) Layer 9 (Center stripe and overall background colour, mine is in white) 4) Layer 19 (Miura Concept and Lamborghini logo background colour, mine is in black) 5) Layer 24 (Lamborghini logo details, mine is in yellow) Filament change layer for colours on "NamePlateAssem": 1) Start (Overall name plate background colour, mine is in white) 2) Layer 11 (Kyosho logo background, mine is in red) 3) Layer 16 ("Kyosho" lettering, mine is in white) 4) Layer 21 ("DIE-CAST MODEL COLLECTION" lettering, mine is in black) Assembly ==================== The car is screwed back using the original screw from Kyosho. Back plate should slide in nicely into the display base. The name plate might need some trimming to the side to fit into the box. Others ==================== Feel free to send me any feedback on how to improve the design. Suggestion on display base designs are welcomed too. The transparent box I'm using to store the base and car in one of the picture is bought from here: